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Leavitt Peak 11,569′ – Sonora Pass

Leavitt Peak 11,569′ – Sonora Pass

Here are some pics from two separate outings. I aim for Leavitt Peak every year when Sonora Pass hwy 108 opens. Maybe I actually have got there 5 times and skied the same thing, the highest peak in a nice half day ski. I should go ski some neighboring terrain, but...
SME week 2007  – Selkirks BC

SME week 2007 – Selkirks BC

Boy this was fun going through my pictures from this April 2007 trip to Selkirk Mountain Experience (SME) with Roger and Chris. The food was amazing, and our guide dan lead us through beautiful glacier skiing all week in shin deep powder. I’m going back to SME...
Mt. Price 9975′ – Crystal Range

Mt. Price 9975′ – Crystal Range

Mt. Price 9975′ – Crystal Range Elevation Change from Glen Alpine Trailhead – 2700′ and 12 miles Here are a few picture stories to try and sell you on going out to Mt. Price. This peak is the most northern summit of the Crystal Range, which...
Stanley Idaho 3-days ski touring

Stanley Idaho 3-days ski touring

3 days Skiing near Stanley, Idaho In the beginning of March 2021, Marty and Danny joined me on a road trip to ski around Stanley Idaho. We didn’t have much snow in Tahoe, and I had never put skins on in this area. I have been out here over 10 times on mountain bike...
South Sister 10,358′ – Oregon

South Sister 10,358′ – Oregon

South Sister 10,358′ – Oregon Elevation change – 5500′ You’ll research a bit more than here to ski the Three Sisters Wilderness, I have only been in this area twice. These photos are from the late 90’s when I skied a few Volcanos...
Mt. Adams 12,276′ – Oregon

Mt. Adams 12,276′ – Oregon

Mt. Adams 12,276′ – Oregon Elevation Change – 6600′ I skied the popular southwest chute of Mt. Adams in June 2008 with Roger. We did it in a day and enjoyed the long fall line skiing right off the summit. This is a great peak. It’s a...
Mt. Locke 12,500′

Mt. Locke 12,500′

Mt. Locke 12,500′ elevation Change 4000′ This was one of my first East side Peaks following Jim Harper. I see Will Richardson in these old photos, so I assume we skied Mt. Lewis in this same trip. Jim is in those photos too. Will was my first employee. A...
Mt. Langley 14,042’    

Mt. Langley 14,042’    

Mt. Langley 14,042’         Elevation Change 6500’ This could be your first 14er ski descent. Mt. Langley is big and remote, but easy to navigate and not skied very often. This is the most southern California 14er, far enough from population centers that it gets...
Mt. Tom 13,652’

Mt. Tom 13,652’

Mt. Tom 13,652’ Elevation change – 7500’ In Mid-March of 2003 I skied from the summit of Mt. Tom with Scott Shield and John Crus. It was Scott’s 30th birthday. We are all the same age. 20 years later I’m sitting at home creating this website post and I feel...
Mt. Lewis 12,342′

Mt. Lewis 12,342′

Mt. Lewis 12,342’ Elevation change – 5000’ Here are a whole bunch of poor-quality shots from an exciting and fun day I had in April 2011. Kind of a greybird day, and my point and shoot camera skills had not yet been refined. I think I finally started framing...
Mt. Humphreys 13,986′

Mt. Humphreys 13,986′

Mt. Humphreys  13,986’ Elevation Change – 5500’ The Sierra Crest above Bishop is an impressive and attractive ski mountaineering panorama. As high as they are, however, they are only the beginning. Climb to the top of any of them and the magnitude and beauty of the...
Mt. Wood 12,637′

Mt. Wood 12,637′

Mt. Wood 12,637′ Location: silver Lake, near June Lake Elevation change: 5500′ Mt. Wood is one of the first big Eastern Sierra Peaks that people usually go for. I have skied the east side a handful of times. You can see it from hwy 395 near the North June...
Mt. Williamson 13,375′

Mt. Williamson 13,375′

Mt. Williamson 14,375’ These photos are from 3/6/2010. John Crus and I went for the ultimate one day East Side suffer-fest in the Moynier book. John had a cold and didn’t tell me until we were a few hours in, so he really wanted it. The snow was so bad we didn’t make...
Mt. Mills 13,451′

Mt. Mills 13,451′

Mt Mills1#image_title Mt Mills2#image_title Mt Mills3#image_title Mt Mills4#image_title Mt Mills5#image_title Mt Mills6#image_title Mt Mills7#image_title Mt Mills8#image_title Mt Mills9#image_title Mt Mills10#image_title Mt Mills11#image_title Mt Mills12#image_title...
Mt. Jefferson 10,497′ – Oregon

Mt. Jefferson 10,497′ – Oregon

Mt. Jefferson 10,497′ – skiing is below 8500′ Trailhead elevation 4100′ The guidebooks I have at home are Oregon Descents by David Waag 1997, and Backcountryski Oregon by Christopher Van Tilburg 2001. You’ll also find some pics and home-made...
Broken Top 8,500′ – Oregon

Broken Top 8,500′ – Oregon

brokentop17#image_title Broken Top – high point you’ll get to is 8500′ Location: Three Sisters Wilderness – Oregon The guidebooks I have at home are Oregon Descents by David Waag 1997, and Backcountryski Oregon by Christopher Van Tilburg 2001....
Mt. Thielsen 9,182′ – Oregon

Mt. Thielsen 9,182′ – Oregon

Mt. Thielsen Trail windy and cold cold and windy but it softened that side slope faces west ski crampons trying to warm up that slope didn’t soften Shasta North Side view from Thielsen view from Thielsen view of Mt.Bailey boot crampons cold day steeper than it...
Mt. McLoughlin 9,495′ – Oregon

Mt. McLoughlin 9,495′ – Oregon

from Fish Lake Boat Ramp look at the roads on map Skis on pack will not work Need to carry and throw them just thrash your way through Who’s crazy idea was this? happy to be done with the rock piles happy to be done with forest SE Side is the longest Now where...
North Peak 12,242′

North Peak 12,242′

North Peak 12,242′ Location: Saddlebag Lake  – Tioga PassElevation Change: 2200′ I don’t remember when I skied North Peak, but I won’t ski it again. It was late 90’s with John, Aaron and Tony. Same excursion where we skied Morgan South. This is a...
University Peak 13.362′

University Peak 13.362′

boots University peak 13,632′ Elevation change: 4400′ These are some mixed pics from two days I skied University Peak in 2003 and 2004. The ski descent line I did was the North Face, described in the Moynier High Sierra Guidebook. This is a great...
Mt. Tyndall 14,018′

Mt. Tyndall 14,018′

Mt. Tyndall 14,018’ Location: Shepards Pass – Sierra Crest Elevation Change 7500’ On March 24, 2004, I skied one of my biggest day ski tours with John. We had skied 3 days on this east side excursion. We day skied Mt. Starr aka Pointless Peak, and Birch Mountain...
Mt. Gould 13,000′

Mt. Gould 13,000′

Mt. Gould 13,000’ Location – Onion Valley Trailhead above Independence, CA Elevation Change 3800’ I’m going to have to go back to this one soon. I’ve skied Mt. Gould a few times by myself. It’s a friendly east facing corn run to me that is skiable in late...
Mt. Lyell – Tuolumne 13,114’

Mt. Lyell – Tuolumne 13,114’

Skiing th Mt. Lyell  13,114’ Elevation Change: 4400’ but 9-mile flat approach Location: Tuolumne Meadows On June 9, 2010 Eric Ongerth and I skied Mt. Lyell with a one-night stay, starting from the parking lot at Tuolumne Meadows Lodge and the John Muir Trail. Lyell is...
Norman Clyde Couloir 13,000′

Norman Clyde Couloir 13,000′

insane right? Approach to Norman Clyde Norman Clyde Couloir 13,500’ – Middle Palisades Elevation Change: 5700’ These pics are from May 18, 2019. Ben Mitchell, Christian, Nick Bliss and his dog Owen all made it up to the top of Norman Clyde Couloir with me. This was a...
Mammoth Peak & Kuna Crest 12,112’

Mammoth Peak & Kuna Crest 12,112’

Mammoth Peak & Kuna Crest – Tuolumne: 12,112’ Elevation change: Not a ton, but some miles May 13, 2009 was a great solo overnight tour for me. There is a short window where Highway CA-120 gets plowed to the entrance of Tuolumne and they let you drive in to the...
Buck Mountain 12,861′

Buck Mountain 12,861′

Buck Mountain: 12,861’ Location: Big Pine, CA Elevation change: 5061’ Map: The Palisades Trail map – Tom Harrison   The date on these photo files says February 18, 2008. This peak isn’t in the guidebooks and somewhere I heard it called Slide Mountain. Check it...
Spearhead Traverse

Spearhead Traverse

Location: Tioga Pass – Saddlebag LakeElevation Change: 5,600’Length of Tour: 35K or 22 miles not included ski area lifts and groomer return In the late 90’s I skied the Spearhead Traverse route with Norma and Dave Bowers, and Steve Reynaud. This classic...
Mt. Conness 12,590′

Mt. Conness 12,590′

Ed Cesnalis Photo Ed Cesnalis Photo Conness_steelman2 Conness_steelman1 S Couloir below Y ara Conness from Biglines.com Location: Tioga Pass – Saddlebag LakeSummit Elevation: 12,590’Elevation Change: 3,050′ or more if you add North Peak I used to ski Tioga...
Ice Lake Pass 10,000′

Ice Lake Pass 10,000′

Big Slide Canyon end of Big Slide Canyon heading up Little slide Looking back at Victoria crossing Robinson Creek Kettle Peak in Little slide Little Slide Canyon Hulk Couloir on left of peak Kettle Couloir pass on top left reaching the top somewhere Perfect day at the...
Mt. Starr 12,832′

Mt. Starr 12,832′

Mt. Starr – aka Pointless Peak Location: Rock Creek near MammothSummit Elevation: 12,832’Elevation Change: 4,000′ I’m reposting an old one from sometime  in the early 2000’s. I was knocking out the ski tours in the John Moynier Guidebook...
Mt. Dade 11,732′

Mt. Dade 11,732′

Location: Little Lakes Valley – Rock Creek near MammothSummit Elevation: 11,732’Elevation Change: 4,700’Recommended Map: Hoover Wilderness by Tom Harrison I skied Mt.Dade with a customer named Tucker maybe around 2000. The Moynier book called it an...
Mt. Morgan – South 13,754′

Mt. Morgan – South 13,754′

 mt. Location: Little Lakes Valley – Rock Creek near MammothSummit Elevation: 13,754’Elevation Change: 4,800′ This was another peak I skied with John, Tony, and Aaron Martin in maybe the late 90’s. It was just before Aaron died skiing off the...
Victoria Peak 11,732′

Victoria Peak 11,732′

Location: Bridgeport, CA – Twin Lakes CampgroundSummit Elevation: 11,732’Elevation Change: 4,700’Recommended Map: Hoover Wilderness by Tom Harrison These pictures are from an old website post when I skied Victoria Peak first around 2004 with John...
Dragon Peak 12,955′

Dragon Peak 12,955′

Location: Dragon PeakSummit Elevation: 12,955’Elevation Change: 3,800’Recommended Map: Kearsarge Pass/Rae Lake by Tom Harrison These pictures are from a 5 day Ski Tour with Dan Molnar in May of 2011. The Dragon Peak North Couloir was a highlight we looked...

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